1. Handy workflow tips

Pro Tools has some very handy workflow things that will make working with program a lot smoother.

Snap Clip end to Cursor

  • CTRL + CMD + CLICK = snap clip end to cursor

First click where you want your clip to end, then hold CTRL + CMD and click on the clip. This will snap the end of your clip to the place you first clicked.

Clip groups

  • ALT + SHIFT + G = group clips
  • ALT + SHIFT + U = ungroup clips

This is very handy if you have made lots of edits and want to make it visually look better.

Plugin Favourites

  • CMD + CLICK while inserting your favourite plugin and it will show up on the top the list.

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Jasper Hartsuijker

My name is Jasper and I'm the founder of this blog. I work as audio engineer / producer at IAM STUDIOS (Amsterdam) and teach music production at the University of Arts in Utrecht. I also love to write code and make educational content.

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